Mandi Horne

Mandi is both the Bookkeeping and Tax Services Manager and has worked in these fields since 2000. In addition to her deep understanding of processing financial information, she serves as our in-house Information Technology assistant and keeps our computer systems running and up-to-date.

Jennifer Wadkins

Jennifer, Staff Accountant, is a graduate of Columbus State University and started her career in the banking industry. She transitioned to working for an accounting firm where she developed a niche for clients in the convenience store industry.

As the firm’s Accounting Manager, Mandi is responsible for:

  • Payroll Set-Up, Processing and Payroll Tax Report Preparation & Filing

  • Preparing and Submitting Sales Tax Report

  • Processing Bookkeeping and Financial Transactions in QuickBooks

  • Preparing Financial Reports

  • Preparing Corporate & Partnership Tax Returns

  • Assisting client’s with on-site set-up of their company on QuickBooks

  • Preparing and Filing Occupational & Personal Property Tax Reports

  • Serving as a Liaison with the Local Tax Office

  • Providing Worker’s Comp and Liability Audit Assistance

Due to her concentrated focus, she is proficient in offering the following services to meet these client’s needs:

  • Alcohol, Tobacco, Lottery & COAM Licensing & Renewals

  • Payroll Set-up, Payroll Tax Report Preparation & Filing

  • Sales Tax Report Preparation & Filing

  • COAM Report Preparation & Filing

  • Bookkeeping and Financial Transaction Processing in QuickBooks

  • Preparing and Filing of Occupational & Personal Property Tax Reports

  • Providing Worker’s Comp and Liability Audit Assistance

  • Serving as our Client Relationship Manager with Convenience Store clients

Jennifer Horne

Jennifer Horne

Jennifer was the director of a non-profit organization for 20 years and used her financial and human resource management experience to transition into being a Practice Manager for a small accounting firm. She places a focus on customer service, organizational efficiency, assessing / managing risk and analyzing financial data in an effort to deliver a positive return to owners while providing quality services to clients.

Jennifer’s duties include:

  • New Business Set-up

  • Risk Analysis and Coverage Acquisition

  • Development and Maintenance of Proper Internal Controls

  • Establishment and Monitoring of Organizational Efficiency

  • Human Resource Management

  • Data Analysis related to Client Hours, Billing, Expenses and Profitability

  • Processing of Payables and Receivables

  • Firm Bookkeeping and Financial Statement Preparation for Owners

  • Website Development and Maintenance